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The Leadership Blueprint: Leadership Success Unlocked

The Leadership Blueprint program focuses on leadership development and the behaviors that drive organizational success. In this facilitated workshop, participants will understand their leadership style and learn how to leverage the Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders model to set vision, gain alignment, and champion execution. Based on Wiley’s book, The Work of Leaders.

Target Audience:

  • Anyone who is tasked with setting vision, gaining alignment, and championing execution.
  • High-potential leaders being prepared for leadership positions.
  • Intact leadership teams

Duration: Single Workshop

  • One full-day workshop

Add-On Components:

  • None


Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Sample
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Group Sample

The Leadership Blueprint workshop is based on the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders model, which provides a framework for understanding leadership styles and how they impact organizational success. Participants will learn how behavioral approaches to developing a vision, gaining buy-in from team members, and championing their vision through effective communication and delegation.

Our facilitated workshops are delivered in person, but a virtual option can be designed upon request.

Invest in your leaders and drive organizational success with The Leadership Blueprint program.